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TSN ACA Cinder

As a heifer Cinder was the South Dakota high point Foundation Simmental in 2015 for the South Dakota Point Association. Then in 2017 Cinder and her calf "Cindy Lou" won champion cow calf pair at the Simmental Junior Regionals in Huron South Dakota. Then, later that same year the pair won the Foundation Simmental senior division at the South Dakota State Fair. 

TSN Miss Protege


Prada was Sawyer's 2017 show heifer. She is a very special heifer, sired by TSN Protege. She was always near the top of her class and won her 4-H class at the 2017 South Dakota State Fair.

TSN Miss Bailey 

As a five year old we showed Bailey at the 2016 Simmental Junior National in Des Moines, Iowa. There She and her calf Dozer, sired by Frontier, were the 8th overall percentage pair. Later that year we also showed her calves, Bea and Dozer, in the Produce a Dam at the South Dakota State Fair. The year before in 2015 at the North Central regional, she and her calf, sired by Chamberlain, were 4th overall pair. 


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